Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Absolute Best Thing About Summer...

biking with him...
swimming with him...

hiking with him...
sporting events with him...
The best thing of all about summer?

Daniel Burk. 

And yes. I know this is the cheasiest post. hehehe. 

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Things I love about Summers in Provo

Frozen Yogurt
Camping in Zions or Strawberry... amazing
Hiking Timp... in the middle of the night
A pass to 7 peaks
going multiple times to 7 peaks in one week
spa hopping
riding my bike up the canyon- beautiful!!!
having roomates to come get me when I have a flat tire while biking up the canyon
summer storms with lightning
indian palace- the best indian food ever!!
late night walks
car trips
time to read books!
sunflowers and wildflowers

yes. i love summer. one month left to enjoy it!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

10 Things I never have and wish I did because I always forget to buy them

wrapping paper
dryer sheets
contact solution
glue stick