Thursday, December 18, 2008

m.i.a. to m.m.b.

yes i know, it has only been a few months since my last post. but really i have an excuse.. well several. my list has been extensive the last few months- full time school, stressful job.. and oh yeah, that wedding i was planning :)

needless to say, i have just been in survival mode. but now that my finals are over, i am celebrating by making a blog, to say friends, i am not m.i.a... no i have just become m.m.b.- melanie monroe burk. no worries, i will be sure to post more info on the lovely wedding, and the hot groom later.

but for now, merry christmas. tomorrow morning in a short 8 hours, i will be headed to indiana. yay! and so to celebrate that snowy christmas i am posting this artwork i did.

oh and if you want to check out my website, i coded and created this whole website. it was the most intensive task i have ever undertaken, but it is exciting, and now i feel ligit.

happy christmas.

with love m.m.b.