Tuesday, September 30, 2008

engaged to a belgian...

So folks, yes. I am engaged!!!!!! But not to a belgian. I am engaged to Daniel Eugene Burk, and we are getting hitched on November 25 in the San Diego Temple! yay!!

So yes.. I guess inquiring minds want to know how he proposed.... on august 28th, he told me we were going to go hiking, and to pack a picnic dinner. I made dinner, and he came and got me and we were off... we went up to Pleasant Grove, where we hiked the Battle Creek Falls. It was a beautiful but steep hike.... we were having a grand old time, and I had no idea that he was going to pop the "question" that night. 

So we got past the main fall, and were in this beautiful field looking up unto Mount Timp, which we had previously hiked this summer... and as we looked up at the mountains we decided to take some pictures. We took some pictures, talked, laughed, and then he decided he wanted to take pictures with his camera. He got his camera out, we took some more pictures, and then as he knelt down to put his camera back into his backpack, all of a sudden he was kneeling with his hand outstretched with this beautiful ring... and then he asked me to marry him.

I did what any girl would do. I laughed.... 

And then of course I said yes, and laughed some more, and then started crying :)

It was such a beautiful moment, and even more awesome that we were alone in nature.. where we really did fall in love to begin with.  We never did eat our picnic dinner- we were too excited and had to get down the mountain to call and tell everyone...

so wedding plans are on their way..... we are getting married!!!!!! huzzah!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fel and Sa

This post I would like to dedicate to my wonderful friend and former roomate.. Melissa. She is also known as "sa"

Yes this whole summer we became known as the "mel forces" because we are both always called mel... in fact, we realized that most of our friends never call us by our full names... and our initials are both "M.M" which also caused confusion in the fridge. 

Luckily, we found a solution to that. I resorted to my high school nickname "fel" an abriviation of "felony melanie" and Melissa we turned into "sa." It was hysterical actually writing "fel" on my food in the fridge. Melissa has moved now... but all of my food still says fel. It makes me miss her less.

But thanks to Melissa-

I had a great movie goer to see awful movies such as the Hidden Kingdom. We laughed the whole way through and annoyed all those around us. hehe.

I became more grateful... we made a grateful wall with things such as "love sac, wikapedia, Nutella, and Batman... or just chrisitan bale."

I ate amazing italian food. yum. And became jealous of her fluent italian. 

I learned to love nutella more deeply and eat it with italian cookies... perfeito!

I learned to laugh hysterically at nuns and their antics...

I always had someone to council with over my latest idea or craziness.

I got to live through her 500 summer vacations (new york, colorado, arizona, colorado, new york....you know..)

I got to hear hilarious stories of work experiences.

Really... the summer went by way too fast. It was a great time.... thanks "sa" for it all! love you!