Thursday, December 18, 2008

m.i.a. to m.m.b.

yes i know, it has only been a few months since my last post. but really i have an excuse.. well several. my list has been extensive the last few months- full time school, stressful job.. and oh yeah, that wedding i was planning :)

needless to say, i have just been in survival mode. but now that my finals are over, i am celebrating by making a blog, to say friends, i am not m.i.a... no i have just become m.m.b.- melanie monroe burk. no worries, i will be sure to post more info on the lovely wedding, and the hot groom later.

but for now, merry christmas. tomorrow morning in a short 8 hours, i will be headed to indiana. yay! and so to celebrate that snowy christmas i am posting this artwork i did.

oh and if you want to check out my website, i coded and created this whole website. it was the most intensive task i have ever undertaken, but it is exciting, and now i feel ligit.

happy christmas.

with love m.m.b.


Melissa said...

yay! you updated your blog!! fel you are so awesome. and you didn't need a website to be legit in my book. =D

joojierose said...

yay for blogging again! :) wait, where's the link to your website? i still haven't seen it....

Allie said...

What a woman! I'm so happy for you! Even though you're busy, I'm sure it's all worth it.

It was great seeing you a couple weeks ago! Have a wonderful holiday!

Claire said...

Mel! Glad to see you updated your blog. I would say that is a pretty good excuse to be m.m.b., how are you doing? Are you and Daniel down in Poway for Christmas or are you with Daniel's family? If you are down here, we need to get together! I just got surgery on my knee yesterday, and I can't go back without seeing you, my knee buddy!