Yes. It is quite a tale. I wish it wasn't true-- but I am quite a blonde sometimes. It manifested itself in full force this week.
So on Monday, we got back from the gym and we had an hour before we needed to go to FHE... dinner was already done--so I thought it might be a good time to make some bread. (We wanted to take it to some people) I have a really good, quick recipe that takes about 15 minutes to make- and 30 minutes to bake. So I foolishly thought we had plenty of time... thats where it all started to go wrong. Very wrong.
First off, I got out my new wheat grinder... (which I love). I got out the ingredients, turned on the oven, and started to grind my wheat. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the corner was open- and suddenly there was wheat flower everywhere-- sprayed over the toaster, bosch mixer, etc.... It was a mess. I decided to just keep going-- there was no point in cleaning up when I was just going to make a bigger mess.
That is when it started to get bad.
I put in baking powder and not baking soda.
Then our nut chopper was all moldy- Yuck! so no nuts in the bread.
Then I realized there was a funny smell. Suddenly I remembered, there was a cake in the oven from the weekend--with a plastic cover on top. It had been in there while the oven had been heating for 15 minutes...
Which means that it looked like this:
Yes that blue is the plastic all melted. Notice that the middle is missing? I have no idea where it went.. it appears that it just evaporated? There was also plastic dripping all over the oven.
Good one. So my kitchen was a mess- there was flour powder everywhere.. I had bread dough that was all wrong, moldy stuff in the sink, and a messy oven.... and what could I do but laugh? I laughed for the next 20 minutes straight.. I couldnt even stop for the prayer.
We were only 10 minutes late to FHE, and we got our neighbors to bake our bread. Not suprisingly, it didn't turn out well.
Oh and did I mention that I caught a kitchen towel on fire the night before?