Friday, May 9, 2008

Nature Photography

So I am taking a photo class this spring- and it is fantastic, because it just gives me an excuse to take pictures! (which I love) My teacher is fantastic, (he actually worked with Ansel Adams) and so I am learning a ton... I thought I would just share some of my photos from the last week. And yes, these were all taken at sunrise, because that is the best lighting. I know, it is shocking to see that the "early morning" Keith Monroe blood is in me after all! haha. Enjoy!


joojierose said...

oh mel, those are absolutely gorgeous. fantastic work. :) love love you

Natalie said...

Someone in smoking (who knows what) in the the BYU fine art dept...hello, these photos are amazing. I love the image of Big G too! When you coming again?

Anonymous said...

wow mel these are amazing! i would love to have as much talent as you!

Amanda said...

Stunning! Come take pictures of my baby when he arrives!!! And as for names, we're almost positive we're naming him Ethan Emory.

Ashley said...

These are awesome! You are the best!!!

Bev said...

You are so talented! I love these pictures! I love your way of finding artistic views of nature1 I love you!

Whitney said...

Mel! I love your cute blog! And these photos are absolutely amazing! Where are you these days? Sorry that we never got a chance to grab lunch in Provo while we were both there!

Joanna said...

Those are beautiful photos. When you are down again let me know so we can make our way down for a photo shoot of the kids.

Arica said...

how fabulous mel! you sure have an eye.. well you have two eyes, but at least one of them is dang good at seeing a future museum quality photograph. :)

Sheralie said...

wow dearie. when can i buy some?

Surf Paparazzi said...

Did you really take all of these??! So amazing!
