Friday, June 27, 2008

and the adventure begins...

in typical brasilian fashion, we have now been traveling for 26 hours and are not in our destination. Sad, funny, and true...we are still in the sau paulo airport...where I have spent a good 20 hours of my life waiting in the past 6 months...hahaha.

But the adventure really began yesterday when our first flight was delayed... thus missing our connecting flight to brasil... so then we ended up being routed to Chicago.. where we had a 20 minute layover which was spent running through the airport... and obviously our luggage did not make it with us to our next flight to Brasil... and then that flight had problems and was delayed, so we arrived in Brasil late, and with the lost luggage problem, we missed our connecting flight to Maceio... so now we have to wait 8 hours until the next flight. and it looks like maybe tomorrow sometime we will get our luggage...which means no clean clothes for a few days. hahaha.

This is all quite funny in my book, except that I feel bad for my mother who is counting down the hours until she can see my brother. But what is one day when you have been waiting 2 years?

From this I have realized two things- first off, airports and airlines are tricky tricky things, and then with the foreign country factor, its hysterical. Second off, I will never,ever, ever, work for the airlines. It seems to be one huge mess.

So now we are burning time, I think I will go introduce my parents to some brasilian food. Oh the funny times are just beginning. This morning I taught them not to flush down toilet paper.. here in brasil you just throw it away. Mom thought that one was wierd.

A least I am enjoying speaking portugues, even if it is explaining for the 10th time that our luggage has been lost.... haha. And so yes... the adventure has officially begun! YAY!!!


Amanda said...

That's awesome! I didn't know you were going down to pick up your brother! So exciting for you I'm sure to be back in Brazil. Oh traveling woes... it seems they are coming more abundantly these days to almost everyone I know. Have fun out there!

Pete said...

Sounds like a great time. Wish we could be there. :)

joojierose said...

ahhh i haven't talked to you in ages, so didn't even know you were in brazil already! huzzah!!! we'll talk when you return. love love you.

lulu123 said...

have i told you i LOVE the developing world? because i do. and i love you too. have fun. be safe. speak portuguese.