Wednesday, June 25, 2008

When the light went out

These are actual quotes that I have heard or read at work... all from ESPN magazines or the ESPN channel, (we watch ESPN while we work sometimes) and we worked our way through a whole stack of ESPN magazines the other day when the power went out... but they made me laugh, so enjoy.

From ESPN magazines:

"Sometimes the road to success is not a road."

"Develop a trade like plumbing."

"Studying rocket science is more fun when you have rockets..." (obviously...)

"You may not tie an alligator to a fire hydrant." (an actual law)

"NBA games are being stripped of any aesthetic merits and becoming more and more a battle of monsterlike bodies instead of basketball skills." (a chinese paper)

"It is illegal for married montana women to fish alone on Sunday, and illegal for unmarried women to ever fish alone." (an actual law)

"If I win I'll hug my parents, build a robot, and shave my back. You know, normal stuff."
(shaun white)

From ESPN (during the Eurocup... oodles of fun )

"The German's have been down right pilly wally."

"The future of the italian soccer team rests strongly on his broad shoulders."

"It has all gone disasterdly (does this word exist?) wrong for germany."

Olic... (yes that is his name) it sound like Lichtenstine...

"all hands on deck for Croatia."

"If you were planning to go out for a few minutes, don't. Change those plans."

I feel so enlightened now... Thank you ESPN for the fabulous entertainment.

1 comment:

Sheralie said...

very entertaining dear.