Monday, June 2, 2008


So... just for fun, lets just count some of the things of the past 5 years....

apartments lived in: 9
roomates: 28
school credits: 120
classes taken: 50 (wow...)
countries visited: 6
jobs: 5
surgeries: 2
cars: 2
computers: 3

wow.... lots of random things. I think the number of classes is the funniest... 


Melissa said...

fel- you are too funny. i am proud to be one of the nine roommates. =D ps- no no, YOU are the real mel. =D

Bev said...

You may have lost count, but you have had 5 surgeries on your knee, and then surgery on a hernia when you were 12, and also oral surgery when you were 13 or 14 to remove the deformed tooth, then oral surgery when you were 18 for removal of your wisdom teeth. I remember, because I took care of you every time. total; 8 surgeries.